The court granted Wilson’s motion for compassionate release, because (1) parties agreed that Wilson’s medical conditions, namely diabetes, kidney diseases, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and hypertension, when taken together, presented extraordinary and compelling reasons for the release, (2) Wilson was 60 years old, which put him at a marginally higher risk during the pandemic, (3) the nature of Wilson’s underlying offense, in isolation, is mitigating, (4) although Wilson was repeatedly convicted of domestic violence and drug-related offenses, it seemed that his addition to drugs perpetuated his criminal activities, and (5) Wilson served about 80% of his sentence and performed well when incarcerated. On balance, the court found that placing Wilson under home detention would be sufficient to deter any residual danger he presented to the community.
United States v. Wilson, No. 13-CR-2011-CJW-MAR, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 184120 (N.D. Iowa Oct. 5, 2020)
Practice Area
Criminal (Federal Charges)
Relief Requested
Type of Court
Federal District Court
Type of Case
Case Characteristics
Pre-Existing Health Conditions
Release Granted
Compassionate Release Case
Case Tracking Number
Court Name
N.D. Iowa
Motion Granted
Place of Incarceration
Federal Prison
Name of Facility
FCI Sandstone
Legal Authority
First Step Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A)
Release Conditions
Defendant will be monitored by radio frequency monitoring for a period of up to two years; Defendant must abide by all technology requirements as well as any other rules and regulations of the monitoring program; Defendant must pay the costs associated with the program as directed by the Court and determined by the USPO; Defendant is restricted to residence at all times except for employment, education, religious services, medical/substance abuse/mental health treatment, attorney visits, court appearances, court-ordered obligations, or other activities pre-approved by USPO.
Domestic violence, possession of drugs.
Case Status
Decision Made
Compassionate Release Exhaustion Holdingsin Federal Case
An individual can move for compassionate release after 30 days have passed from the date the application was submitted to the warden, irrespective of whether the warden has granted or denied the request.
Pre-Existing Health Conditions
Age, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Kidney Disease, Obesity, Other, Breathing difficulties while lying on back
Pre-Existing Health Conditions Notes
Age (60)
COVID-19 Positive or Symptomatic
Not Discussed
COVID-19 in Jail Prison or Detention Center
Litigation Database
Crowdsourced legal documents from around the country related to COVID-19 and incarceration, organized, collected, and summarized for public defenders, litigators, and other advocates. Created and managed by Bronx Defenders, Columbia Law School’s Center for Institutional and Social Change, UCLA Law COVID-19 Behind Bars Data Project, and Zealous. Mostly federal court opinions, but now expanding to states and legal filings, declarations, and exhibits.
This resource is designed to help lawyers, advocates, researchers, journalists, and others interested in challenging, remedying, or drawing attention to the grave risk that Covid-19 poses to individuals who are detained.